Piano Service

Tuning or Tuning and service …There is a difference

I receive a number of inquiries that ask why do I say my services are different than other technicians. Is my Tuning and Overview service just a gimmick? I have been advertising the Tuning and Overview service for just a little over a year now; some clients have been...

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Different Hammers

It is nearly two years since I attended a "Voicing and Tone Production" seminar at Steinway and Sons in New York. The day I walked through the doors at 18-1 Steinway Place, Astoria was a day of new discoveries and ideas in my career. My lecturer was Steinway and Sons...

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Do you want fries with that?

One of the things that ticks me off is upselling purely as a money making strategy. You order a meal package from a fast food outlet and the assistant is trained to sell you more. "Do you want to upsize?" or "Do you want fries with that?" I don't understand the theory...

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The sum of small details

  "It is not enough to do your best, you must know what to do, and then do your best".   W. Edwards Deming I consider myself to be one of the lucky piano technicians. I have had so many opportunities for training in my career yet I am still striving for...

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  A piano is a complex instrument and most piano owners do not understand the working mechanism of such. There are a few pianists with knowledge of how the piano works and have an  understanding of the maintenance required for their instrument, however the...

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If only pianos could talk

" You want to do what"? asked my Manager. "Leave a career in banking to tune pianos?" He wasn't the only one to ask this question. Why would I want to leave a stable and respected career and go and work on pianos? "Electronic organs are the popular instrument. Pianos...

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