All my bags are packed I’m ready to go

written by Brian Wilson
11 5 13

For those who caught me out when I accidentally sent this post as an email, I am starting again. I am lost for words, just said goodbye to Liam and then realised that I won’t see him for nearly six weeks. I have never been apart from him like this so I am a little emotional. I wrote the below a couple of days ago, so I am going to get a stiff drink courtesy of the Qantas Club and I will enjoy the adventure.

I am sitting at Brisbane International Airport, waiting for my flight to New York via LA. I have been waiting so long for this moment and now it’s arrived. Excited? Yes, but apprehensive to leave Brisbane on this big adventure working with great piano technicians and training in piano factories in USA , UK, and Germany.

Thanks should go to, firstly, The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust for letting me follow this dream and awarding me this Fellowship; fellow piano technician Mark Bolsius (Churchill Fellow 1999) for the encouragement to apply for the Fellowship; Fiona and Liam for the support and helping me achieve this goal (though I wish you were both coming with me); my fellowship referees who believed in my abilities and were instrumental in helping me get here today; close friends who tell me what I need to hear; and to everyone who has encouraged me and inspired me over the years to keep working hard at my career.

I have been constantly told to “keep it simple”, “be yourself” and “do your best and the rest will follow”. Well, it hasn’t always been easy, but I am glad I kept plugging away.

Some words from a John Denver song (Today)  which has become one of my favourites:

I can’t be contented with yesterdays glory
I can’t live on promises winter to spring
Today is my moment, now is my story
I’ll laugh and I’ll cry and I’ll sing 

Off to the first destination now… to be inspired!

Start spreading the news 
I am leaving today 
I want to be a part of it 
New York, New York

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